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Terms of Use
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When using our website

1. The copyright and other rights related to our website and individual texts, figures, designs, trademarks, logo marks, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "website data, etc.") posted on our website are owned by us or our company. It is owned by the original author and other rights holders. When printing or storing for personal use, unless otherwise permitted by copyright law, copy, transmit, distribute, or modify website data, etc. without the permission of the Company, the original author, or other right holders. , The act of excision is a violation of the copyright law, so please contact us in advance to obtain permission. However, please note that we may refuse to use the service in the following cases.

       [ For example ]

      ・ If a portrait is included

      ・ When a third party's copyrighted work, trademark, etc. is included

      ・ When our trademark etc. is included 

      ・ When you use it for a method or purpose that we deem inappropriate

2. When using the website data, etc. in accordance with the above, please do not change or delete the copyright notice.

3. We do not guarantee the contents of the website data or the links made to our website. We are not responsible for any damage caused by using the data on our website.

4. The Company does not guarantee the content of the linked website regarding the links made from the Company's website.

5. The information, structure, etc. of the website data may be changed or discontinued without notice. note that.

About copyright [COPYRIGHT © KSK international Co. Ltd.]

Documents, videos, sounds, and other copyrighted works provided by KSK International Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "our company") on the WWW server are subject to copyright law, other laws and international treaties. Protected by. It is prohibited to use any part or all of these as they are or by modifying them for reprinting, diversion, transmission, screening, etc. without the permission of our company, regardless of media or means.